Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ok. So as I see the job postings that are out there, the old chicken/egg dilemma comes to mind.

I need a job where I can get real experience working with social media and the like - not just the theory from the coursework I am taking. BUT I can't get that job, because they want me to have working experience in that area in order to work in it.

I know, I know. How do you traditionally get work experience in your career interest? You do an internship. That was more of a possibility when I was finishing college. Single, no debt, maybe even still living in the dorms. I could work the internship and a part-time job and still get by. Given my endless energy and lack of committments back then, I worked unpaid internships and a swing shift full-time job.

Now? It's safe to assume that a good number of us in the returning back to work mode - have mortgages, kids, a working spouse and we don't have the luxury of working for free.

It actually costs us A LOT to work for free. Don't forget daycare/after-school care costs money. Not to mention gas, lunch, career attire, and the additional take-out dinners that are sure to be part of the scene where both parents work.

Yeah. Unpaid internships = undue hardships for the stereotypical "seasoned" intern.

So what to do? I'm open to ideas that can actually be applied and probable....anyone?

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